Read “AFTER SURGERY” (below) so you know about post-operative care.
Feeding Instructions: If your pet is over 3 months of age, no food (but leave water down) after 10 pm. If your pet is 3 months or younger, please consider waiting until she is a bit older or offer 1-2 tsp of food at 6 am the morning of surgery.
Do NOT withhold water from any pets.
Consider placing a note on the food or at the feeding station the night before surgery to prevent accidental morning feeding.
Reschedule if your pup eats.
Consider rescheduling if your dog is in heat. Learn more by CLICKING HERE
Walk your dog on Ace of Spays property before entering. A waste station is provided.
Bring your Consent form. Once filled out, you will find a signed copy in your e-mail.
Bring a Towel or Blanket that can be discarded if soiled.
A rabies certificate is NOT needed unless you want a 3-year rabies shot for your pet.
Dogs must be on leashes or in carriers.
Pick up at your scheduled time. If you cannot manage your scheduled time, pick up anytime between 4-5pm. Do not wait for a call. All pets will be ready to leave by 4pm. No pick-ups after 5pm ($50 fee per 15 minutes late fee).
Be sure to leave with your towel or blanket, leash or carrier, pain-relief and any other medications and post-operative instructions.
Offer water immediately
Keep warm. Avoid heating pads.
Offer a small amount of canned food when you get home. Feed 1/2 of a normal meal later.
Resume normal feeding in the morning.
No over-the-counter pain medications. TOXIC!
Keep pets in the house (except for leash walking) for 10 days.
Avoid running, jumping, and playing (including any freedom in a yard) for at least 10 Days.
Allow only short walks on a leash for 10 days for the purpose of urination and defecation.
No baths for 10 days.
E-Collar for 10 days.
What to Expect (In Some Pets) After Surgery
Minor sleepiness
Watery eyes and/or drooling
Rare vomiting
A non-painful lump by the incision. Resolves within 3-6 weeks.
Sutures are under the skin. They get absorbed by the body so suture removal is not needed.
What Requires Veterinary Care After Surgery
A “lump” near the incision that disappears when pushed on or that is accompanied by poor appetite
Anything protruding from the incision
Vaginal bleeding
More than a few drops of blood from the incision the night of surgery or any bleeding thereafter
A pet that is unwilling to move around
Decreased appetite that lasts more than 2 days
Skin discoloration, pus or a highly painful swelling around the incision
Anything that has you concerned. Trust your instincts: when in doubt, call the vet.
Emergency contact numbers will be provided on your post-operative instructions.