Potential Complications of Spay/Neuter Surgery
Early in Dr. Cobb’s career, she tracked complications from all of her surgeries during a set period of time. The unofficial study incorporated 8000 surgeries performed at various shelters on a variety of dogs and cats of many ages, breeds and health statuses using typical shelter high-volume techniques. Each shelter had a different anesthetic protocol. None of the shelters provided physical exams prior to surgery.
Not Uncommon
Vaccination Reactions
Most pets do well with vaccination. Muscle soreness, sluggishness, loss of appetite +/- mild fever are occasionally seen for the first day or two. On rare occasions, pets have an allergic reaction. Hives and/or facial swelling are the most common signs. Pets with these reactions should be treated promptly as the condition can, on rare occasions, progress. On very rare occasions, pets have allergic shock reactions to shots. This may be seen as difficulty breathing, weakness, collapse or even death. These severe reactions generally occur within 5 minutes of vaccination but can take longer. These reactions can occur in pets that have been vaccinated in the past without problems. Cats can develop sarcomas (tumors) at rabies and FeLv injection sites (reportedly 1/10,000 shots). These tumors are very difficult and costly to treat and can result in euthanasia. There are reports of dogs developing immune-mediated anemia from vaccinations. This reaction is rare but can be deadly. Speak to your veterinarian before vaccinating. Core vaccines in our area are rabies and distemper. Both provide very strong protection against deadly diseases. At Ace of Spays, any requested vaccinations are given as the pet is recovering from anesthesia to prevent anesthetic complications from vaccination.
Pain Relief Medications
We utilize non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) drugs like carprofen and meloxicam for dogs and a mild opiate called buprenorphine for cats. NSAIDs are considered safe when used appropriately in healthy dogs but can cause decreased appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, dark or tarry stools, increased water consumption, increased urination, pale gums due to anemia, yellowing of gums, skin or white of the eye due to jaundice, lethargy, incoordination, seizure, or behavioral changes. Serious adverse reactions associated with this drug class can occur without warning and in rare situations result in death.
Buprenorphine is also considered safe when used appropriately in healthy animals but can cause sedation, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, slowed respirations, and very rarely excess activity. Overdose can result in excessive sedation, decreased blood pressure and death.